Celebration Sunday

Welcome to Celebration Sunday!  Today, on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we look back and celebrate all that’s happened in 2009.  In keeping with the theme of celebration, I thought I’d give you an all too incomplete thanksgiving list.  I am thankful for…

  • The people who have taught my children to sing “Jesus Loves Me.”

  • This year’s nearly 52 Operation Uplifts and all of the people who showed up with food for a small army.

  • All of those who deployed and returned safely.

  • All of their families who stayed home and prayed for them.

  • The way this church became a Medieval castle for a week during the summer.

  • All of the “ big losers” at Camp Idlewild.

  • The people who work feverishly to keep this old building running.

  • A great group of shepherds.

  • Hard-working deacons.

  • Dedicated Ministry leaders.

  • Everyone who lets us and our kids mess up their house during Lifegroups.

  • The way people stand around on the front lawn after church and talk while the kids play.

  • Every meal taken to someone who was sick or had a baby or just needed help.

  • Every couch that was loaded onto or unloaded from a moving truck by our Moving Ministry.

  • The fact that I get paid to read and think and write and pray and then talk with you about it.

  • All the times that I’ve thought of something that needed to be done only to find out that someone had already done it.

  • Nursery workers who wrangle small children every week.

  • Children’s Church volunteers who save the kids from my sermons, and vice versa.

  • Another opportunity to celebrate with other people who have been rescued by God’s grace.

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice.

--Meister Eckhart

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.

--William Faulkner