New Sunday School Class

Just wanted to give a slightly overdue plug for Keith Cuthrell's Sunday School class, currently running in the auditorium at 9:30 am.  If you're the kind who likes to be passive, this class isn't for you.  Every week, Keith has challenged us to reflect on some aspect of our life in Christ.  What I mean by that is he has given us a thought-provoking question and asked us to write the answer as it applies to our lives.

Don't fear.  Whatever you write, you don't have to share with anyone else.  It's strictly a chance for you to do more than just sit and listen to someone else.  I'm getting a lot of positive feed back about it.

If you're not coming to our Sunday morning classes, it's worth the effort required to make it there by 9:30 on Sunday morning.  Between Len Driskell's great class on Leviticus during the first quarter of 2010, Keith's class now and the other classes we have planned for the year, there are great opportunities to learn about God and ourselves.

See you Sunday.