
John Lehnen

Thought I’d pass along a link to the article about John Lehnen winning the Military Father of the Year.  If you missed the article and you want to read it, click here.  I’ve also embedded the White House video that features an interview with him.  Jennifer was telling me about it this morning.  Apparently he got to ride in a motorcade.  She also has an awesome story about an unattended cell phone in the White House. Thanks to all you military fathers.  Thanks to all you fathers.  I know it can be hard to do what you do and then come home and be there for your families, but keep it up.  It’s the right thing to do.

Norfolk Military Ministry

The Norfolk Church of Christ is unlike any other church I've ever been a part of. That's partially due to geographical differences. Congregations in Tennessee (a CofC "motherland") are older, more established and more easily populated. But it's also a result of NCOC's military composition. In Tennessee, most churches have a large percentage of multigenerational families in their membership. I've heard some people say that, in those churches, you're a "new member" until you've been there for a decade or more. Clearly that's not the case here. If we waited that long, no one would ever become a part of our family. Like everything else, this is a mixed blessing. It's not always easy getting to know people, watching them become an important part of the church family, and then saying goodbye to them in such a short time. At the same time, one of the things I love about this church is that most people don't waste any time jumping in and getting involved. Never a dull moment. I also love the fact that this congregation's nature provides a unique opportunity-one that our elder's have wisely recognized. If you think solely in terms of what is happening in Norfolk our range of influence is certainly not as great as other churches (not that I would encourage comparisons of that nature). But if you think about our ability to have an impact on a larger sphere, it looks like God has given us a tremendous opportunity. Let me remind you of something I don't talk about often enough. The hope of the Norfolk Military Ministry is to: • Serve: Welcome all of those whom the military brings are way and share God's love with them. • Save: Bring them into a saving relationship with Jesus, one that will change lives. • Strengthen: Equip them to serve others. • Send: Watch them go to their next duty station knowing that they will make a difference in the name of Jesus. I'm out of town this weekend. In my absence, Bill Hromada is going to be sharing his vision for his work with the Norfolk Military Ministry. I'm excited about Bill's ability to help us achieve this fourfold mission. I'll miss worshiping with you, and I look forward to seeing you next week.